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Sunflower sutra

When you call it in, d it comes.

When you call it in it comes in waves of beauty,

and angel numbers,

and laughter till we’re tired,

and kisses on toes,

and ______

He came to me my sunflower, my fire, my love

He came with open hands.

Palms of healing

Palms of safety

Palms of ease

He came to me on the path of least resistance.

The path that is cradled by grasses and rocks.

He came to me under the full moon, where the tide was high and the wind curled around us.

He came to me in his power looking for a love that he wished would prosper.

He came to me.

Or did I go to him?

I went to him a wilting rose, a collapsed star, an ounce of love.

I went to him with closed hands.

Palms of scars

Palms of sadness

Palms of ______

I went to him on the path of least resistance.

The path that is cradled by grasses and rocks.

I went to him under a full moon, where the tide was high and the wind curled around us.

I went to him out of power, looking for a love that I wished would prosper.

Did I go to him or did he come to me?

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