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a million petals

a poem about navigating Dissociative Identity Disorder:

Fallen rose what happened to you?

Who cracked you open?

Who laughed while you were in bloom?

Who crushed your stem?

Who broke your roots?

Who forced you to, who?

Who broke your spirits in two and watched each silk petal of yours fall under a sunken moon?


Fallen rose who threw you into the waters deep and gave you sorrows that were never yours to keep?

A million petals fell between us.

A million times. You took what was yours and I took what was mine.

A million petals fell.

A million petals, all shards of my self.

My selves, my selves, my selves.

Is that what I’ve become, a million petals that are all fragmented from the one?

The one who is whole,

The elusive one,

The one who I spend hours tending to with hands full of love,

The one who I spend hours tending to with hands full of security,

The one who I spend hours tending to with hands full of hope,

The one who I spend hours tending to with hands full of trust,

The one who I spend hours tending to with hands full of love,




Love is the only thing we can ever use to truly heal ourselves.

Love pours through my palms and flows out into each heart that I carry,

each soul that I am,

each breath I take,

each day I’m awake.

A million petals fell between us,

A million petals more,

A million petals all withering into dust on this reignited core.


🎶: what you wont do for love- Bobby Caldwell resampled by me

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